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Mess In Progress Blog

Expand your knowledge on all the things fitness, nutrition, prenatal fitness, and postpartum fitness!

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May 14, 2024

Diastasis Recti is a natural phenomenon that happens during pregnancy and after giving birth. It occurs when your abdominal muscles need to stretch to accommodate your growing baby. The Linea Alba, which is the connective tissue line in your abdominal wall, expands, causing the muscles to separate from the center. It’s important to note that your abdominal muscles do not tear, split, or cease functioning, contrary to common misunderstandings.

April 25, 2024

Whether you just gave birth, just had been cleared at the doctor at your 6 week appointment, or have just not had the knowledge or motivation to workout after having the baby, starting with rebuilding your core and pelvic floor strength is KEY. Rebuilding connection with low core and pelvic floor after trauma is VITAL in order to fully heal and recover. Although your mind may be ready to GO, your body is not yet ready and it’s important to take your time with these rehab movements  This phase is not a time for long duration or high frequency workouts, but rather general movement patterns.

April 14, 2024

Are you eager to achieve your first bodyweight pull-up but feel unsure where to begin? Perhaps the thought of conquering this goal seems daunting, leaving you discouraged. Fear not! Follow these straightforward steps, and together, let’s pave the way for you to accomplish your first pull-up in as little as one month!

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March 20, 2024

When it comes to knowing where to begin if it’s while growing a baby or postpartum, diapgragmatic breathing is a MUST. Diaphragmatic breathing is the relationship between the diaphragm and your pelvic floor, where they work together to adjust pressure within the abdominal cavity. It’s also a way we manage pressure in our abdominal cavities.

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March 6, 2024

Introducing one of the powerhouses behind your upper body strength – the lattissimus dorsi, also known as your lats. These V-shaped muscles connect your arms to the vertebral column, playing a pivotal role in protecting and stabilizing your spine. Beyond their structural significance, the lats contribute to the strength and mobility of your shoulders and back.


January 22, 2024:

Have you ever wondered WHY you are performing different exercises for the same muscle group? For example, I DREAD Bulgarian split squats, but don’t mind and actually like leg extensions. They both work my quads, so why do I need to do both? 

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Febraury 3, 2024

If you’ve recently had a baby, between the craziness newborn life requires: feeding, cleaning, burping, holding, sleepless nights, all the things, you probably took a look in the mirror and thought, “where the heck did my booty go?”. Well, there is a reason behind why your booty has seemed to ‘disappear’ postpartum, and here’s why:

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