The Most Important Exercise To Include In Your Prenatal & Postpartum Fitness Routine

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When it comes to making sure your pelvic floor and low core are coordinated and functioning properly, 360 diaphragmatic breathing is a MUST to add to your routine (even if it's just in your warm ups!)

What is 360 Diaphragmatic Breathing?

iaphragmatic breathing is the relationship between the diaphragm and the pelvic floor, in which they work together to adjust pressure within the abdominal cavity. It’s also a way we manage pressure in our abdominal cavities, especially because it:

✔️Stabilizes the spine

✔️Supports and enhances functional movement

✔️Counters increases in pressure from exertion

✔️Supports a more effective pushing phase during birth

As You Inhale...

:Your diaphragm moves down, as your abs, the back, and the pelvic floor all lengthen and stretch. Think breath in...

Through your "Holes"

Wide Through Your Lats or Back

Like Your Opening An Umbrella

Through Your Ribcage

With a Soft Smile

As You Exhale...

:Your diaphragm relaxes and moves UPWARD, pushing your air out of your lungs, which increases your pressure inside your abdominal cavity slightly. Think breathe out...

✔️Like your blowing out of a straw

Nice & Slowly

✔️As you squeeze your hip bones together

As You Close Your Ribs

Different Methods of 360 Diaphragmatic Breathing

There is not one way that is better than another, rather, there are certain positions that you are truly able to feel that expansion better than others, so stick with the method(s) that you feel the engagement and lengthening of your pelvic floor and core the best!

1. Seated

2. Quadruped

2. Side-Lying

4. Supine

Watch Me Break Down 360 Diaphragmatic Breathing Visually!

Want to take the guessing out of your workout regimen while growing a baby or postpartum, no matter how long it's been?

Click below to discover the different programs within Mama In Progress to implement the necessities like 360 diaphragmatic breathing into your fitness routine!

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