Navigating Workouts Around

Diastasis Recti

What Exactly Is

Diastsis Recti?

Diastasis Recti is a natural phenomenon that happens during pregnancy and after giving birth. It occurs when your abdominal muscles need to stretch to accommodate your growing baby. The Linea Alba, which is the connective tissue line in your abdominal wall, expands, causing the muscles to separate from the center. It’s important to note that your abdominal muscles do not tear, split, or cease functioning, contrary to common misunderstandings.

Can you prevent DIASTSIS RECTI??

Unfortunately, you can NOT prevent it. In fact, 100% of pregnant women will have it by 35 weeks pregnant.


HOWEVER, implementing modified training approaches (rather than simply following arbitrary exercise guidelines) can assist in reducing the severity and effectively managing diastasis for the majority of individuals both during pregnancy and in the postpartum recovery period.

In addition, movements that extend in the spine and (think overhead press with belly pushing forward) and incorporate a “coning” of the abdomen can increase the intensity of the space between your abdominals. 

What Is Coning?

Coning has gained a negative reputation as a distressing symptom, but in reality, it is simply an indication of how well you are handling intra-abdominal pressure. Various factors such as breath holding, positioning, exercise, bracing, or sucking in can contribute to this protrusion. By enhancing your core strategy, you can effectively manage the distribution of pressure on the midline fascia.


Coning does NOT cause Diastsis Recti, BUT it does provide as a form of FEEDBACK.

Certain exercises, positions, and breathing mechanics exaggerate the stress to the midline. A baby naturally adds force and pressure to the midline.

Certain positions and movements can exaggerate coning. We don’t want to add added stress or pressure so we prevent these movements. 

What factors can increase dialysis recti?

There are certain factors that in & out of our control that we are worth the recognition that can affect the severity of our diastasis recti. These can include:

What can We do During Pregnancy To minimize DIASTASIS RECTI​?

  • Acquire and consistently apply modified breath and pressure management techniques during pregnancy.
  • Minimize repetitive stress and pressure on the midline area.
  • Mindfully adapt exercise routines and strategies throughout pregnancy to alleviate stress on the midline.
  • Limit or avoid exercises that target the abdominal muscles directly, involve spinal flexion, overhead flexion, or dynamic movements.
  • Reduce the utilization of strategies that generate high intra-abdominal pressure.
  • Gradually and individually adapt approaches as needed.
  • Increase the tissue density by lifting weights or loading with resistance that increases the effort required. 
  • Add thoracic rotation and flexion (round back)/extension, side body flexion, and rotational work, moving thoracic spine in all 3 plans of motion (front and back, side to side, and rotational) throughout pregnancy.
  • Increase anti-rotational movements to help increase intensity and load of core.

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